Upcoming events

Are you looking for exciting events in Ørsta or Volda?

At Havila Hotel Ivar Aasen we offer theme nights and food experiences all year round, where you can enjoy everything from traditional Norwegian dishes to international flavors such as Asian, Mexican, Spanish and Italian. Our events are perfect for both small and large occasions, with an informal atmosphere and exquisite food in focus. Stay up to date here on our website, where we always have an updated overview of upcoming events in Ørsta and Volda – everything from food experiences to cultural evenings.

Did you know that our delicious breakfast buffet is open to everyone – all year round?

Whether you are staying with us or just want a tasty start to the day, you are always welcome to enjoy breakfast in our restaurant.

Easter exclusive offer

Reduced price at Easter For these dates we offer the breakfast buffet at a special price: Only 195 kr per person (regular price 245 kr)

Time: Served every day from 07:00 to 10:00, weekends from 08:00 to 11:00

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